NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Figured I'd go and try to standardize this for us.
Never any traffic on this channel around here besides us so lets make CB Channel 4 our standard channel.

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We have been using ch31 for about 7 years but feel free.

Learn something new everyday! I'll add it to my memory scan. Thanks!

No problem.

It's not easy to find but if you put "comms" in the search function you'll find all the info.

Happy trails!

Below is the link for the common frequencies that we have been using in NorCal

This list includes 

  • CB
  • FRS
  • HAM

NorCal FJ Band PLAN

There was a slight push a couple three years ago on other forums to make 7 the channel. The thought was, '07 was the first year of the FJC, so whatever channel you normally run on, if you saw another FJC, you'd jump to 7 to say hi.

Only problem for me is, I don't normally buzz around with my antenna on. I'd be the funny one slamming on the brakes, jumping out of the FJ, and quick-connecting the antenna. :-)

Would love to get a confirmation of what channels most people in the Bay are running. Would be great if any of you Central Valley people could chime in as well. Would love to even know my radio works, since it doesn't get used due to lack of local people on whatever channels I keep scanning!

You will probably have to be within a half mile of anyone to receive. the traditional CB cred is to monitor ch 19 then switch to a mutually agreed upon channel.


     In Ca most of what is regularly used is channel 7 AM for Spanish speaking trucking, channel 17 AM for truckers and troublemakers, channel 38 LSB for most SSB. Different local areas have always had their own channel in the past but lately they have all migrated to 6, 7, 17.

     Channels that are primarily long distance, DX, or skip channels are channel 6 AM where the heavyweights roll, channel 11 AM, channel 26 AM, channel 28 AM, and channel 38 LSB SSB call freq. The DX can pop up at any time mostly during the day east to west, but this time of year at night it can go north to south.

     If your set up is right 20+ mile contacts aren't uncommon.

Use my cb to hold the books on my book shelf. I have abandoned cb altogether it is a waste of time Ham Radio is the way to go.

 I will have my cb on and on channel 31 unless I am is SoCal.  Then it goes to channel 5.

I roll on channel 31... good to know the So-cal is 5... Thanks Cowboy




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