NorCal FJs

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Catch a glimpse of another FJer around NorCal? Post up here!

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Hey that was me and my dad. Thought I've seen your rig before.

Hey if you see my all red Trail Teams FJ around Truckee, I always try to wave, so make sure to weave back!


maybe this summer we can get on a trail together...


Saw a red FJ yesterday at +/- 6am on my way to work on eastbound Hwy50, it passed me on the right and exited on Watt Ave. Had no stickers at least on drivers side nor on back. Its the second red Ive seen in Sac I think the other lives in El Dorado Hills  or Folsom region and commutes the opposite of my commute, only seen that one a couple of times, again, no stickers.

We have a black FJ living in my street will have to introduced myself, its only been living here a couple of weeks. This one has beadlock looking rims.


I'll keep an eye out for you - I'm up there every three or four weeks.  Cabin is near Alpine Meadows so generally Tahoe City / Truckee area. I may have seen your rig on one of my last trips.


I was in Yosemite for Christmas and saw 5 or 6 FJ's.  I pulled over and took this pick.

I've been spotted again! My wife is in the park for the weekend and had to move it out of my driveway to give here a spot to park. Sorry I missed you, I was at home close by on "the Ahwahnee Row." Cheers!

A 4-FJ day, too bad I wasn't in mine. 

This morning in Merced.

Then I got back to Yosemite, boom, three more in a row.


Lower Yosemite Falls




Yosemite Lodge



And moments later, also at Yosemite Lodge

That's awesome.... I'm not in merced but I bet you would have see me if I was. I'm on a guys weekend with some friends up north near Shasta and the lava pools. I have also been seeing more and more FJs around town.
I missed you! I just got home from the Valley today. I too saw that blue one in Upper Pines!

My buddy/almost neighbor, Donny. We see each other presumably on the way home from work, occasionally,

Here exiting I-80 at W. El Camino a few days ago.


FJC-O-Rama on 101 South - Palo Alto to San Jose.

Brick - stock. Then a Sandstorm Trail Teams. Then this guy:

Yes, that's a yellow roof. 

Sand storm could have been me.

Or it could have been another guy I also saw yesterday near Brokaw Rd.

His looked un wheeled with 0 stickers.

Mine has a norcal and some other stickers on it.




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