NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

FJ Drivin
  • Male
  • Mountain View, CA
  • United States
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  • Carl Chatfield
  • Bumper foley
  • Alan Clancy
  • Rachelle Clancy
  • Aeon
  • BlackTanBox
  • himynameismark
  • Mike Oliver
  • crawlinrollins
  • Maria Moreland
  • Blowtorch Betty
  • MLM_FJ08
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Rear door "creaking sound".
15 Replies

I have had a weird "creaking" sound in my driver side rear door when I go over bumps for awhile.The thing is it only does it when it's hot out. 75+ degrees. Totally silent below that temp.When I got…Continue

Tags: belts, seat, Front, door, Rear

Started this discussion. Last reply by Blowtorch Betty May 29, 2013.


Some people dream in black and white. I dream in black and tan...sand storm tan.

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At 10:06pm on July 7, 2014, Bumper foley said…
Walt, it's Seth, the 2014 TT. I have that part number you wanted.. Ornament, RR body 4-wheel. 75453-60012.
At 8:19am on July 12, 2012, MoHillFJ said…

Walt, my man, we definitely have to wheel together again !! I think I know the rock you mean where you saw the bottom of my rig. It must be the one where my bumper hit, followed by my rear hitch when I settled down!

You gonna make Hollister Hills? If so I'll see you there.  

At 2:00pm on July 11, 2012, Blowtorch Betty said…

Glad you like the decal.  Looks like your rear wiper won't run over it.  I put mine right in the path of the wiper, so I'll have to see how it holds up.

At 4:59pm on July 4, 2012, Pollywog said…

I like your page, and your title :)

At 8:41pm on November 6, 2011, Cowboy said…

 It was excellent establishing basecamp on Wednesday bro!  All of the other early bird S-n-T'ers party like a bunch of ladies.


At 12:36pm on October 3, 2011, Maria Moreland said…
It is!!   What an awesome place!  Carl just had to pose at the outhouse!!!
At 8:30pm on August 30, 2011, MudFace said…
Thx brother.   You got a good looking FJ too!  I picked mine up at Sunnyvale Toyota.  If you're interested, check out my for sale thread for a Gobi Rack.  Hope to wheel with you someday. 
At 12:38pm on April 28, 2011, potatomutato said…
there are a lot of philosophical ramifications when it comes to addressing your conundrum...even the logical solution may be misconstrued as being illogical. probably best suited to ponder over a few man sodas.
At 10:23pm on April 27, 2011, potatomutato said…
please don't convert your truck to'll never have enough left for the truck.
At 9:43pm on March 16, 2011, Lance said…
finally took my truck in. They made the shaking worse and agreed the breaks are clicking and should not be, but had no idea why they were.
All in all not so good.



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