NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

this is just a thread to gauge your general interest in a NorCal FJ badge if they ran about $65.00/each. i have a couple vendors in mind that seem to do a quality job (e.g. not premature aging or paint stripping) and that is the route we will take.

the style will be the original red logo (seen at the top of this page) with a gear ring encircling it. the size will be similar to the cool Trail Teams badge.

if you are interested, please post up here. by expressing interest, you are in no way committed to purchasing one. we will revisit the list once i receive final pricing, etc. and you can decide then.

Interested (13)

* himynameismark

* DivnGirl

* Meestar Jim

* Dave(man)

* Robbie

* gringo

* rotorhead94

* kevin sondy

* Cowboy

* NekGuda

* downy_ball


* potatomutato

Views: 2387

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Replies to This Discussion

Yes Please !

Outstanding !!!!!!!!!!! Count me in for one !!!!!!!

YESSSS...count me in. Can we add our member number in it somehow.  From what I remember, I was #87 when I joined in.

Just an idea

Dude! for sure! : )


Order UP!

i'm interested 

Señor! I need two!

Yes!  I need to add another, and will probably take two. 


Only a looser wouldn't want this cool badge, can I wear it at work?

p.s   I'm in for one : )

Get it tattooed and I'll pay for yours! Lol!

Oh yeah, I'll want two Steve...   :)

what? The tattoo?

I'm in for one as well.




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