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Catch a glimpse of another FJer around NorCal? Post up here!

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She killed her Voodoo, you know :(


I heard her friend was driving. She must have been impressed with how she survived and bought one herself. Smart girl!


I saw a lifted Silver FJ with an aftermarket front bumper on Hwy 12 headed toward Sebastapol.  The co-pilot appeared to be a big Husky on the passanger seat.  :)

Yesterday I was headed south on 101 through Morgan Hill and saw a black convertible top FJ. Had to look twice to make sure it was what I thought it was. Tried to get a picture but didn't cause we were rolling kinda fast and I was alone. 


Saw a voodoo blue FJ with an aftermarket front bumper and perhaps a lift stopped at the light in the westbound lane on Alma in San Jose. I crossed the intersection southbound on Monterey in the brick and waved. He waved back. Kinda looked like Daniel May's rig, minus the Warn front. 

Sounds like the same black fj convertible I saw a month ago on 101 in marin county.
Voodoo Blue w/ snorkel, ARB front bumper, ARB roof rack, Colorado plates. Seen in Inverness today, I think it is Missfj but I may be mistaken.
That was Eric from colorado . Missfj ??
She is big on the Blue Room. She has a big SAS Voodoo on 37s I believe.
Hey folks, I've been chatting with 2007fj about some wheels/tires and he mentioned this to me.  Small world!  I was running around Point Reyes all day Sunday.  Apologies if I didn't wave, but I was gawking at the scenery.  I'm headed back to CO next weekend, but if any of you are ever out my way, give a shout and I'll give you the nickel tour.  And I'll make sure to let MissFJ know you're thinking of her next time I run into her on the trail ;)
Yep that's the rig, you were parked at the deli and bakery, I was in my Ranger truck stopping in at Perry's for lunch. Sorry I missed you, I get to see that scenery almost every day, would like to see Colorado some day. Have a safe trip
Oh yeah, you go your order to go.  I was the tall bearded guy sitting in the first booth.  You're a lucky man with that view every day.  I was an LEO in Aspen for many years, so I can sympathize ;)

Heres a two-fer

Yellow one in Starbucks on First St. Livermore. White one Safeway First Street Livermore.





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