FJ Cruisers of Northern California
I heard her friend was driving. She must have been impressed with how she survived and bought one herself. Smart girl!
I saw a lifted Silver FJ with an aftermarket front bumper on Hwy 12 headed toward Sebastapol. The co-pilot appeared to be a big Husky on the passanger seat. :)
Yesterday I was headed south on 101 through Morgan Hill and saw a black convertible top FJ. Had to look twice to make sure it was what I thought it was. Tried to get a picture but didn't cause we were rolling kinda fast and I was alone.
Saw a voodoo blue FJ with an aftermarket front bumper and perhaps a lift stopped at the light in the westbound lane on Alma in San Jose. I crossed the intersection southbound on Monterey in the brick and waved. He waved back. Kinda looked like Daniel May's rig, minus the Warn front.
Heres a two-fer
Yellow one in Starbucks on First St. Livermore. White one Safeway First Street Livermore.
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