NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Trail: Slick Rock Trail
Location: Stanislaus National Forest
Trailhead: N38 28.8' W120 00.36.9'
Level: Moderate-Difficult
Length: 5.2 miles
Camping: Along the trail (dispersed - at least five are available), Sand Flat Four-Wheel Drive (dispersed), Wa Ka Luu Hep Yo (developed), Big Meadow (developed), Stanislaus River (developed)

Slick Rock Trail begins as a moderate trail, but soon becomes difficult past the granite pools area on Silver Creek. Expect sliders and skid plates to serve their purpose and scratches to wheels are common. Stock FJs can make it through with skilled drivers and careful spotting, but expect to spend more time on the trail.

The trail head is reached from Lake Alpine campground and will take you through some private property before reaching a large sign that states you have arrived.

The first mile or so into the trail is moderate and winds through the forest.

The landscape soon changes dramatically as granite enters the fold.

You will then enter a clearing with access to the granite pools of Silver Creek. This is a good place to take a break and cool off before embarking on the difficult part of the journey.

As you leave the clearing, you will encounter a small, steep obstacle. There is a go-around.

Soon thereafter, you will encounter the tight entryway into the sloped-walled canyon.

As you enter the canyon, you must take into account the degree of tilt to prevent body damage.

Tight squeeze.

Video: Sloped-walled canyon entrance.

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And the exit.

Sloped-walled canyon area

The trail remains rocky and scenic past the sloped-walled canyon for most of the way.

Expect your sliders and skid plates to get a workout.

The few mellow spots serve as welcome respites.

At approximately two miles into the journey, you will encounter a steep, granite descent. Beautiful views can be had at the top of the descent...

...on the way down...

...from below...

...and from in-cabin.

After the descent, the trail will meander through a few rocky sections on the way to the water crossing.

The water crossing.

Right after the water crossing, you will encounter a fork. Right will take you down a short trail to some granite and the river. Stay left, the rocky way, for the trail.

Approximately 2.6 miles into the trail, you will encounter the final obstacle. Note: There is no go-around for the final obstacle.

Choose the right lines and put your skills to the test. Some rock stacking may be required. Note: Be sure to put the rocks back where you found them for those who follow may want to experience the challenge.

Once you reach the first landing, you can go...

...right, which is more challenging...

...or left, which is less challenging.

The final obstacle marks the end of the most difficult portion of the trail. There are a few more granite slabs left before you reach the clearing and on to the easy part of the trail.

Continue past scenic Utica Reservoir until you reach Forest Road 7N75 at 5.2 miles. Turn right on 7N75 and reach Spicer Road in less than a mile where gravel turns to pavement.

1) Guide to Northern California Backroads & 4-Wheel Drive Trails by Charles A. Wells
2) High Sierra SUV Trails Volume II by Roger Mitchell
3) California Camping by Tom Stienstra

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Once again Great jog Potato !!
Hey is that Resty taking the easy way off the last obstacle?
Sure looks that way to me. Before mods??
Great writeup!!

I've been wanting to do this trail for a long time, hopefully a group will be going soon
Oh memories lol
Awesome walk through!

Welcome to the entrance of Slickrock. Shot taken two days ago.


At least we can build a snowman. : )

Hope it's melts soon!
Snow Camping!!!




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