Step Cal FJ’s

Our mission is to share some good times, trails and knowledge to all who wheel or live in the Central California area.
  • Spring Fling (Planning stage)

    hey guys I started a message on the norcal site with planning this event. any input would be wonderful. Paul

    By JagyPNF

  • anybody here?

    Hello everybody, somebody, anybody...I just joined the group and wanted to say hi.

    By Sean

  • A Cen Cal Group that actually does runs

    What up guys. So it seems like there is some mild interest from a few guys in this group to actually hit some trails rather than just talk about it. Well a homie that I met through here, along with my brother and a couple other friends with rigs started an independent group called the Golden State…

    By Killahmac

  • Crickets....

    Hi everybody! Awful quiet, anybody have any local runs planed? I've checked the norcal schedule but there's only one event and I can't make it... So I thought I'd put my ear to the ground! :)

    By Bumper foley

  • If anyone still looks at this...

    Looks like it has almost been a year since the last activity on here. I'm interested in meeting the CenCal folk and getting a group together for weekend runs. Stefan and I will be doing a run on Sunday on a trail somewhere local if anyone is interested in joining, the more the merrier. 559 393 6521…

    By Killahmac

  • Meet up!

    What's up everyone! I see there's a lot of planning but no doing going on here lol.What's up let's start small...lets meet up! In n out or something! River park? Ashlan/99? Next to 4 wheel parts?What day is good for everyone? Would you guys rather do a weekday evening? Weekend?Is anyone even down…

    By Alecks

  • Spring Fling!!! Apr.18-21

    OKAY Step~Cal pirates! For a while now I've been struggling with and still am with paying off bills for the all might quest to be debt free! I'm on a good path, the credit card will be paid off mid March and with that extra money I had been throwing into it will be available for some fun time.…

    By NyNomad

  • Mojave 15-18 Nov

    I'm looking at doing a Mojave Road run either 15-18, or 16-18 November. let me know if you are interested and if so we'll work out the details

    By NyNomad

  • Step-Cal???

    Where is everybody?

    By OkumaFJ

  • June Step Cal Camping Trip to Monache Meadows

    We have been talking about another Step Cal camping trip so this is my idea for late June when we can get in to a very nice area.  Dates are tough to pick with all the runs going on in July, so it will have to be the end of June.  A four day trip to Monache Meadows, Thursday 6/23/11 to Sunday…

    By CentralCalFJ
