Step Cal FJ’s

Our mission is to share some good times, trails and knowledge to all who wheel or live in the Central California area.

If anyone still looks at this...

Looks like it has almost been a year since the last activity on here. I'm interested in meeting the CenCal folk and getting a group together for weekend runs. Stefan and I will be doing a run on Sunday on a trail somewhere local if anyone is interested in joining, the more the merrier. 559 393 6521 text or call anytime. My name is Cam Rhodes. Look forward to meeting you!

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    I feel like we've spoken (typed) I wish I could make that run; its been too long since I've gone out, but I have mucho exams, quizzes, and random assignments in the next couple weeks. :-(


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      Dan L

      what up my name is dan lmk if you plan anything it would be cool to do an in town meet and greet Ashland &99 or river park, then head to the hills. I will save your number.

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        welcome im in merced