Step Cal FJ’s

Our mission is to share some good times, trails and knowledge to all who wheel or live in the Central California area.

Meet up!

What's up everyone! I see there's a lot of planning but no doing going on here lol.

What's up let's start small...lets meet up! In n out or something! River park? Ashlan/99? Next to 4 wheel parts?

What day is good for everyone? Would you guys rather do a weekday evening? Weekend?

Is anyone even down for this? Lol? Let me know! I'd like to meet some fellow FJ owners in the area!

My number is 2608736 - Alecks if anyone wants to contact me.
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    Bryan, I've drivin down to meet up with all you guys before :p

    Alecks, where do you work? I drive past there from time to time. And don't be ashamed if you work at city judgement here :D lol

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      Step~Cal's Spring Fling! check the Event Calendar!  hope you can make it!

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        I believe I am the newest member #59. I was just on the SoCal site and got a PM  from Bryan about what Step~Cal was/is.... I'm down to meet you guys and gals. Living in CenCal we always seem to be on the edges of the noth and south boundaries and have to associate with one or the other. I went thru the same thing when I had my Chevy.
