NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Hello everyone, I guess since Ny Nomad PCSed (military jargon for changed duty station) to Montana, I have become the unofficial planner of the Spring Fling. Im looking at my schedule and was thinking of having it on April 3rd - 5th. We have it at Jawbone state park just about 15 mins north of Mojave, CA. I will post the Camping spot with Sat photos and Google maps on how to get there. Last year we had it in the middle of march but because of how the weather is supposed to be this year i want o push it back by a few weeks. Im down for any suggestions as this is my first time planning a trip like this but it will be my third time down there. The Lat Long is 35.322119, -118.077812 for anyone who wants to look it up.



Here are some pictures from last year.

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I will try to make this. I'm stock height but full skids. Cool?

oh yeah you would have no problem. we had a stock tacoma out there last year and he made it.

Geez, I haven't had time to get on the forums since I went back to work. I'm glad I caught this in my email. I had a great time on the trip I made it too. I'll know if I can make it when we get a little closer.



LOL....I've been working like a crazy man....I happened to catch this in my inbox and got stoked. I haven't forgotten about you guys. 2 kids and 16 hour shifts take all my time.

Its good to see that your still up and kicking.

The Spring~Flings have been fun and some of my most prized memories! Free Camping!! trails for all abilites and pooper shacks near by for those too afraid to squat!!  Wish I could make it but duty calles :( ... Paul's got it locked in tight! I'll be looking forward to the pictures and hopefully a video! ..


and don't forget about them SoCal guys on, a few more of them had shown interest after last years Fling

i will im going to post it tonight prob. 

Be sure and put this in the "Events" section of the forum.

will do

here is the camp site Sat Picture with the icons for the road and Poopers

Also here is the video from last years event




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