NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Long story short:


A guy, Colin Marson, I met on the blue room who lives in Alberta, Canada contacted me because he saw a post I commented on about the MAF auxilliary tank.  We have exchanged emails on the pros and cons of the system.  He was inquiring about it because he will be traveling from CA down to Mexico.  This is something that's on his life list and he just wants to explore some parts of Mexico.  Due to some of the remote locations he's planning on visiting, he decided to try to get the MAF tank.  He was going to drive down to MAF and have them install it.  I offered to have the tank shipped to my house and help him install it at no cost.


He seems like a nice man who is trying make one of his dreams come true.  If anyone is interested in helping out please let me know.


Colin will be in CA on 1/22/11.


Update:  The tank arrived at my house last night and Colin will be in town on Saturday, January 22nd to do the install.  Everyone (almost) is welcome to stop by.  The install should take between 2.5-6 hours depending on how quickly we work.  


As of now the install will be at my house.  Address below:


2345 triumph court

Turlock, CA 95380

gate code 2726 or call me at (209)648-9436



Update:  We will be starting the install on Saturday at around 9:00 am.  




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We started around 9:00 and finished around 16:00. Some parts were easier than anticipated. Others were longer, with several runs to the hardware store.
In retrospect, I would have expected that the kit would be better assembled by the manufacturer, and less nickel/diming for parts (fuel gauge, etc) - for the $$$$.

So despite a later than forecasted start - we made it to Palm Desert around 11:30.
We pushed it (70+ mph) where we could. Didn't have to stop for gas!!
Did a couple of transfers from the aux tank. Five mins = quarter tank of transfer.
Everything seems to be working properly. No leaks...

The fog down to Bakersfield was terrible. The visibility was less than 100 feet.

Thanks to every one who showed up and helped with the install.
Special thanks to Peter for getting it organized and making it possible.
Hey Colin! Good to hear you made it safe, and everything is working! Hope your trip is Awesome!
BZ thanks for coming out and getting this done.
When I filled up (first time) at the Costco and the aux fuel gauge was not working.....However, once I got out of the fuel station, it came to life.
All is good. Fuel transfer tested and works also.
If I had more time I would have liked to get some of the spaghetti junction wiring cleaned up.
I will email you about some suggestions.



I'm glad it worked out and if your ever back in CA let us know.




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