NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Hey guys,

My names Jason live in santa rosa.  I unfortunately don't own an FJ but i have a tacoma.  I'm just looking to get out into another community and hope to get on some runs with everyone.  I met Dave (who lives in my area) last night who is a member on here.  Also have ran a few trails with Alvin (first gen Tacoma) who is also on here.

Looking forward to meeting everyone.

Here is my rig...

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Nice! Another Taco, Welcome!
Hi Jason
What year is your Taco? I am looking at producing a Rear Diff Skid for Taco's and need something more than a 2008 to measure.
Thanks Leonie

Its a 2006. Out of curiosity... Why do you need an 08+ ? 05 and up are all the same body style/frame.

btw saw the skid for the FJ's.. made me drool. Would be awesome to have one for my truck!
That is what I am working on right now. Should have something by SnT and then we can add to the group buy that is coming up. Right now we have measured the 08 without an E-locker. If your 05 has an E-locker that would be good to checkout. Let me know and I will set something up.
Yeah iv'e got the e-locker. Send me a message and maybe we can meet up sometime soon!
Nice ride ya cha dare!!!




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