if you see the vehicle, the Maggiolina RTT, or parts associated with a BJ71 being sold on craigslist or elsewhere, etc. please report it to the authorities and/or let us know.
online communities can help find stolen vehicles, like ARMY_CRUISER's in Colorado:
fyi, there is an ad in craigslist of this vehicle for sale, but it was posted three days before it was stolen. they are awaiting confirmation that the owner did, indeed, post this ad: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/cto/1947693958.html
I actually replied to their craigslist add for the RTT, but no answer. There are also threads on Expo and IH8MUD for the RTT and/or BJ. How'd you find out it was stolen?
yeah, apparently he was trying to sell to someone in Canada or something. haven't followed the entire story, so i'm only getting updates from the threads on MUD and the Blue.