so.....what do you guys think is the best winch for the FJC? also,I'd like to keep the wieght down.I read of a fairly new light wieght one from Aussie land?is it Monster brand? any help/opinion appreciated
I have been happy with my Superwinch. The front bumper you run can have a major effect on your choices.
I run the Expedition One front bumper. It was designed for the Superwinch with the enclosed solenoids, but can mount just about any 9000lb winch.
I have never heard of the unit you have mentioned, but I would stick with a proven brand like Warn, Superwinch, Mile Marker, etc. I consider a winch recovery equipment as well as a safety item, and not something I am willing to skimp on.
I am sure you will get more than a few opinions on this.
Go with one of the main brands when it comes to winches. I"m personally a fan of Superwinch and Warn. Nice thing about these if your on a trail generally other people have one of the two so if you need to borrow a controller for example, it's much easier than using a off brand.
I run a Warn 9000XD with Amsteel Blue synthetic cable