anyone got the Daystar lift? looks like 4 hockey pucks and some stud exstenders $'s supposed too raise and level the FJC by 2.5"in front and 1.5 in back.
I have the Daystar front blocks and it basically levels it. I don't have the rear blocks though, I have bigger coils. But it's an all around 2.5" lift... looks pretty good.
I have the fronts. They work good they lvel the vehicle. I also got the toytec rear poly spacers 1.5 inches gives it a little rake in the back, they work great also. BZ installed the rears he could do the fronts too.
I've added the Daystar 1.5" rear spacers to my OME HD rear spring/shock setup. This has leveled the truck nicely and the rubber spacers have improved damping on washboard, etc. My camping rig is very heavy.... all-pro rear bumper with swing out can carrier, RTT, tuffy drawer, etc. I'm very happy with this set-up.