NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Ive got the Demello bumper coming and another  $800 to spend on the fj need some help on deciding since I want everything so I thought I would put it out to vote



2nd batt

hood lovers /paint hood black

540 gps

new seats


and on and on and on


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I agree with Kelly... Trust me from experience. Our links are real weak. So replacing them will save you a lot of money. If our links were stronger, I would have never had to replace my rear end. Big headache.

From what I have noticed on our FJs my mods in order (if i was not poor) would be:

Lift (your choice on full or basic)
Tires (I wold have gone w/ 35s from the beginning if ida known better)
Skids (oem is better than nothing but not by much)
Rear LCAs (after 3 months w/ no FJ and $7k in repairs, spending a few hundred on these is crucial)
Front Bumper w/ winch

Other than the Mods listed above I consider everything else on preferance. Roof Rack, Onboard Air/Co2 tank, rear bumper, swing out, radio, auz tank............ everything depends on your needs.




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