I just ordered The Bugshield for those San Joaquin Valley trips. Not at all sure they will work, how they will look or effect mileage but I'll guinea pig it and let you know.
Just installed the Bugshield. The quality of the plastic and the aluminum are good, but the plastic does not line up well with the aluminum on one side. Also, there was some missing hardware, two lock washers instead of 4 and one ten mm locking nut was missing, but an 8 mm was instead included.
A recommendation: There is a film on the lexan that should be peeled AFTER install, or it will get dirty and possibly scratched.
After inspecting the bugShield a little closer I have noticed a few quality issues. The top edge is not perfectly flat, it has a slight hump that levels out three quarters the way across. The lexan was deeply scored on both sides near the edge of the aluminum for nearly the entire length of the shield. The edge the lexan that is nearly flush--I say nearly because it is slightly inset-- has multiple curves as if an epileptic was handling their cutting duties.
So, I called the Armadillo Co. that produces these and let them know of the shortcomings of the shield. They agreed to send a replacement with a postage paid package to return the first one back.
Sonof40 have you received yours? I am curious if this first batch was all botched or it was just mine.
I have received it and at first glance it appears to be the wrong size completely. ie the metal edge is too long to fit the hood. I will take a closer look today.