NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

I'm Matt. Most of you guy's know me. I drink your beer and eat your brownies. I adopted Ray's 2007 black FJ (I'm lazy and it was already fixed up pretty nicely). I'll see you guy's at the next watering hole or other event.

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Thanks man! If it hadn't been for the awesome beer cooler rack on the back of the truck, I might not have a truck right now.
'bout time! Glad to see that Ray's rig stayed in the NorCal fold, hate to see someone use it as a mall crawler.

Welcome Matt
tee said "welcome mat(t)"
LOL, I think the "welcome matt" should buy a round of beers tonight....
I agree
Thanks Dave. Hate to hurt your feelings, but it will get some "mall crawling". This is the first vehicle (minus any rental car) that I can take to the mall and park in those little ass "Compact Car" spots and not have to worry about people opening their doors on my doors. Those rock rails look so menacing with the scratches and rust.
OK I will just have to park next to you then..

They don't scare me !!! LOL
OK, he survived the challenges of Friday night's events, however he IS still on Secret Probation.

He's buying all the beer until otherwise notified...

Details regarding the official Swearing In Ceremony will be released upon the successful completion of the written, oral, and beer judging exams. Thank you.

Hi Matt! :-)
As someone stated earlier, we need to make a T-shirt for Matt with the word "PROSPECT" on the back.

(ref., Sons of Anarchy)
Yes... did you see where we put his Pledge Pin? :)
Look's like I'll be making a run on Oakland's supply of OE 800!
Or he can wash Tater's back to be removed from probation. Unless this condition has applied to me only.




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