NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

can't think of a better way to celebrate the upcoming wheeling season than to have a social in Sacramento!

Sacramento Meet & Greet on Saturday, May 1.

this Meet & Greet will be like no other (well, so far at least). it will consist of an outing at Prairie City SVRA in the AM and haircuts and beer in the afternoon...and potentially another small off-roading event and install day (pending available location).

yes, we plan to brew our own NorCal FJ brew at Brew It Up! and for those who are in dire need of a haircut, our very own ANGRY BARBER will be ready to tend to your dome's needs.

this all-day social will have an open format that will allow you to pick and choose the events you wish to participate in. we will need to get a headcount for the brewing and haircut events, so keep an eye out for more detailed information in the coming weeks.

so, mark your calendars! more details will be added to this thread as they become available.

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM: Prairie City SVRA
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Haircuts at The Buzz - 3015 1/2 J St., Sacramento, CA 95816, (916) 442-7377
2:30 PM - 5:30 PM: Brewing at Brew It Up! - 801 14th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 441-3000

tentative roster:
Prairie City
jr vong


CA Annie/MoabFJ
DWH (hangin' out)
jr vong (hangin' out)

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Dude you need to buy some tools......
I haven't had the time! I have my own set of tools but it's not metric (got it before the FJ), so they don't work. And I haven't gotten around to getting a jack or hi-lift yet.
I might be able to have some minor installs at my place. I live about 10 minutes from PC OHV.

I do have tools and a jack.
ok, we're a little over a week away and i need to get some final numbers (mostly for the haircut and brewing session). Prairie City is rather small, so we'll probably putz around for about an hour or so and conduct our usual meet & greet there. those who do not plan to get a haircut are more than welcome to visit the shop. it is a rather social place and the barber has some good stories. if you plan to go to Prairie, then to the brew session, you can organize a small outing in between or do your own thing. i'll get more accurate start times down by Monday. thanks!
I'm in and wIll go all three events if time permits.
What time might we be hitting Prairie City SVRA? BTW... the website says "the 4x4 area is undergoing a renovation" and "The 4x4 area is expected to re-open in mid-October." I don't know if that means its CLOSED, or just partially closed...
Looks like it will be completely closed. I will try calling tomorrow to confirm.
that's interesting. when i called a few weeks back, they said that there were no planned events or closures. go figure. if that is the case, then i am up for suggestions. the current schedule is as follows:

9:30 - 11:00-ish: Prairie City
11:30 - 2:00-ish: The Buzz (haircuts from ANGRY BARBER)
2:30: Brew It Up! private brewing event

i will update the OP as well, but keep in mind that if you plan to participate in the brewing event, there will be additional cost based on how many people participate. although it becomes cheaper with more folks, there will be fewer bottles per person. at this time, the group event will be somewhere between $260-280 to brew a batch of 72 bottles of IPA. it may be cheaper as CA Annie and MoabFJ are making a gracious 72-bottle contribution. more details will be laid out on Monday.
I'm a maybe on this, may have to cover work that weekend
I'm in.

Haircut - no
Beer - Yes

... now, maybe if the order was beer then haircut, we'd get more takers!
you can have beer at ANGRY BARBER's shop...just can't brew it there that's all. :-)
Hey Potato,
count me in for the whole event...PC, hair cut and brew it up. Sounds like it'll be fun!





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