NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Rubithon - June 15-20, 2010 • 22nd Annual Run • Father's Day!

It's that time of year again.  The 22nd annual Rubithon run is coming.  Make sure to checkout the Rubithon website for more information and get registered.


June 15-20, 2010

22nd Annual Run

Father's Day!

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Thanks for the information and help.

R U going this year ???

If so, R U Going to lead a Run again??

I am thinking about grabbing a shot gun with the club again this year, My FJ still not Rubicon ready LOL...
99.999% sure I am going. I've got the registration form setting on my desk. Just need to write a check and send it in. As far a leading a run, I think this year I'd like to get a few folks together and make it less formal. My goal is to relax, have fun and enjoy the trail this year. :)
I hear ya......

Thats why I was just going to ride shotgun again...... LOL
Since it's Father's day I was going to take my 13 y/o and make him drive, so I can relax. :)
Well just talked to the wife and she is cool with me going so I may have to get a shot gun seat with someone from MTA.. I believe that we are going to do the straight through run...
Great! On Saturday Phil mention that the MTA guys were going straight through on early Thursday morning.
Cool I was not sure if we were going in on Wednesday or Thursday..

Now I have to walk the line of trying to get all of the day off from work for THis trip and our trip back to New York at the end of June.. All of a sudden my June just got booked..

Cannot wait for the springs and all the bugs !! YEAH its been to damn long for me...
John and I would be interested in this.
IT would be great if you guys came !!!!!!!

one big old party
I'm in Sol. Which run are you doing?

FYI all- I'll have an open seat. Taking applications now.
i may be able to join in to document this run...will keep you posted.




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