If memory serves me, I believe this is the FJ that literally had the ground drop out from under him...the mine shaft was not open and exposed...the tunnel caved in when the FJ drove over it. I could, however, be remembering this wrong. Either way...still sucks...for anyone...with any vehicle.
That's the story I heard too.
We saw a picture of this at Bickell camp in Red Rock when we were there in January and yes it would suck hard but all part of playing in the desert.
that's Spert! from FJCCentral.com & the blew room and was roaming around at night looking for a place to piss but oops fell into an hole in the desert unlabeled or posted.... after the insurance co fixed it then he had it sprayed OD Green.... I'll try to find a pic from SnT 08.....
That's the best I can do quick style but yeah Steve is Cool Folks who proved baaad things happen quickly and outta nowhere so be careful when wheeling, doubly so at night.....