NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

It got me and my son to where we needed to be. It's all we have. It's a long story. We're staying with this person who wants out badly because I destroyed the Fj. He bought it for me and this is how I treated it. Have insurance but he said he's not spending another dime because of me. I need someone to help me get her started again

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How long did the truck sit on its side? A car battery is not made to sit on it's side, the battery acid could leak out.

The video kind of sounds like the starter solenoid is clicking and trying to engage. I'd try another battery or a jump start, your battery could be damaged from the roll. Next I'd look for physical damage to the engine, exhaust, or wiring harness. Even a disconnected or damaged ground wire can cause problems for modern ECU controlled cars.
That's my take on it too. I just posted at the end of the thread.
OK I have no idea what that sound is.. ITs a loud clunking like a pully is broken or something major like that.. But I simply cannot be sure just by the sound..
why do you even want to start it? let insurance take care of it...
Good ?. But asshole won't let take it to the insurance. Everything is in his name as for owner and my name is on it too but I'm just a driver who's added on his insurances
Yeah, but making payments on a lawn ornament doesn't make a lot of sense either.
It sounds like someone needs to GTF over it.

I know some vehicles will trip a fuel injection breaker if the vehicle is hit hard or rolls.
The goal is to not let a broken injector feed a fire. Is there a reset on the FJ?
Not that I know of, at least I've never heard of one, it may be that the computer needs to be reset by the factory or something much worse
I think it's as easy as disco the battery and re-connecting. At least that's what i did when my airbags went off on my 03' 4runner.
oh suey, always the voice of reason, never afraid to say it like it is.

Gotta say I'm a bit put off by the calling of the person that bought the FJ an asshole. I know if I bought a vehicle for someone for $30 or $30,000--I would expect the person using the vehicle to be more responsible and not treat it like a beater.
Hec, it is more legit than you think.
Cindy can have a hard time expressing herself here, but she does need help.

Cindy, I think swapping out the battery, even temporarily would be a good idea.
It is a test for 2 problems, dead battery, and resetting the computer.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
Paid in full. It's my Fj and I can take it like he want me to do. Which you haven't heard. I can't drive it out of here. Omg. You smelling wrong cause it is a freakin gift. I think you need to step down cause you are nothing nice. I can't do this alone. Never had.......
Sorry to hear about the accident. Hope this can help.

The battery is dead. When you flipped to the side, all the chemicals in the compartments that are usually separated in the battery are mixed up and killed the battery. I made this conclusion by watching the video, and knowing that you tipped over.

Good luck!




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