NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Sup FJC's,

I just moved up to Citrus Heights from the bay area, I wanted to know if there are any FJer's on the forums from the Sacramento to Auburn area that wants to do a greet & meet. 



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hell yeah buddy!  I'm in Lincoln...but the FJC is stuck in the garage...

Nice to hear from you FJ Tahoe, it has been a very long time. when did you moved to Lincoln?  What happened to the FJC? I notice you made some very dope upgrades to the FJC.

I actually just got the FJC back from surgery. The shop had it for 3 yrs so annoyed but finally got the FJC back home. I was so excited to see it on the trail and back home, I am now driving it.

Howdy from Central California.

Howdy Yose.

I know we haven't been active on the forums but that is going to change.




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