NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Slickrock, Deer Valley and thereabouts 2009
August 20-23 (Thursday - Sunday) - NOTE: Date change!
Level: Moderate - Difficult

NOTE: the dates have changed.

just posting up a placeholder for the Slickrock run. this year, we will add Deer Valley. we will schedule separate group runs in the area and will include easy and moderate trails depending on the response. as usual, you are not required to be present from the first day. you can arrive and depart as you please. more details, including the trail schedule, to follow in the coming weeks.

Tentative roster: (bold = confirmed)
CA Annie & MoabFJ
Mrs. Bozly & Bozly
Mark O'Connor

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I am for sure on Friday night and Saturday but will have to leave Sunday morning. I'll see if I can get Friday off and go up on Thursday.

I did the trip last year and can help out, let's all talk at the work day tomorrow and then we can post details here.

The trip needs to stay active and I'll go no matter what.....
I'd love to be gone Thursday... we've taken the time off, I'm ready to be camping! Hope someone else can make Thursday morning...

The weather is looking nice, lows in the high 40/low50, HIghs in the mid 80's. No moon, guess we'll bring a lantern?

We'll be leaving early Sunday as well.
Cant wait!
We're planning on Thursday as well, see ya'll tomorrow.
Good, no moon means a star party. Too bad I do not have my telescope here it would have been extremely interesting.
can't wait to hear more stories Alessio...
I will not be able to get on the road until Fri around noon.
I vote for Slick Rock on Sat too.
This describes my situation perfectly. I really hope we do Slickrock on Sat and something not so dusty like last year on Sunday :)
maybe not too much stuff to do before my daughter goes back to school ,

I'll be at the High Sarres run
im out guys. cant make this one.
We are thinking of doing a communal meal program for Breakfast and Dinner for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Is anyone interested and if so let us know what you would bring and we can plan from there.
I'm in.
I found these great chicken apple sausages for breakfast, I can cook up a few batches each day.

I'm grocery shopping Wed, so let me know what you're thinking for the meals. - A
hey I am also not available this week. Work calls. I am definitely in for the eastern sierra run in Sept.




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