NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Barney Riley - Dear Valley - Strawberry July 10, 11 , 12

I'm putting together a run July 10, 11, 12. The itinerary is to do Barney-Riley friday, deer valley saturday and finish up the weekend with the Strawberry trail on Sunday. I haven't done any of these trails so I hope someone who has done them (and/or who has a gps) is interested in coming along. A few people I have talked to are interested in day trips, so as in other runs - meet up with us when you can! Plans for campgrounds and rendezvous points/times to come.

Updated Roster:
Fri (Farmington 10am)
Mrs. Bozly

Sat (Hermit Valley CG):

Sun (Gas station near Kirkwood):

Friday - 10:00-10:15 Meet up in Farmington at the corner of Hwy 4 and Escalon Belotta Rd (13 miles east of stockton). Caravan to Barney Riley trail head. ETA at Barney Riley is about 1:00. We will take BR inbound and camp at the end.

Saturday - 12:00 meet up at the Deer Valley trailhead. 9 miles east of Alpine Lake at the Hermit Valley Campground. On Saturday night we will be camping somewhere along Red-Blue Lakes Trail.

Sunday - 10:00 Meet up at the gas station, just east of the entrance to Kirkwood. Depart for the Strawberry Pass trail by 10:15.

We will be on CB 31 and FRS 7-31

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forum humdrum aka modest fun! CHAKA BRA!

OKAY ! stoked for this run can we do a group food thing since there is a small contingent?
there-by eliminating cooler clutter from our (my) rigs?
I'll bring the chianti! sans basket!
I'm down for doing a group food thing...I'll grab some tri-tip and polish dogs from costco. Who's in?
I'm in, I'll bring breakfast–eggs, bacon, taters, espresso.
Sure. I'll bring more meat, bread and some beverages.
We'll bring a portable grill and cooking utensils, and foil (no pots/pan however?) also veggies and fruit and Jo will bake some good snacks as well.
And plenty off water! Will we need to pack any extra fuel?
You should be ok on fuel, top off in Angles City and it's 75 miles to BR from there, or Arnold is 60 miles, there is gas in Markleeville and Kirkwood. One other note, bring a porta john, PETT or what ever, there was a outhouse at the end of Barney last year but don't know what shape it's in now.
Not sure how to best organize our collaborative food efforts...should we each take responsibility for a meal? Or should someone make one big costco run and everyone kick down some cash to reimburse that person? Prior runs we have done the second option with people contributing about $20/pp for the weekend. Post with your thoughts!
i've worked it two ways in the past: 1) one person does a mass group buy on food and 2) everyone sponsors a meal.

the latter works best in that one person will say "i'm making tri-tip for Saturday night...who's in?" of course, another person can propose a different meal the same night. eventually, meals that show no interest can be nixed and the person who was gonna sponsor it can sponsor something else. those who choose not to sponsor, but just go in on a meal can pay the sponsor a few bucks for that particular meal.

or just go solo.
kudos! sorry I missed this post earlier. So we thought of a C scenario. We figured that we would contribute a dish to each meal sorta like pot luck.
Sounds like a sweet run, if I wasn't going to Bodie this weekend I would love to join you guys.
Maybe you could join up for a day or 2?




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