NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

The pre-run was a good trip and the trail is now clear. So it looks like the run will be on for 6/20. It was still a bit wet in spots but we made it through with little difficulty. I posted pictures and video of the hard part. There is a bypass around this if it makes you nervous. If it is still as muddy as last time we may have to all go around the bypass to preserve the trail. A .gpx file of the trail is attached below.

So far it looks like the following people are interested in the 6/20 trip:

Marauder713 (Little BigFish)
jr vong

That is a few more than last time, cool!

From Last Time

It is not terribly difficult for the most part, but there are a couple parts I would say were moderate. I have done the moderate parts on my own with my stock FJ.

A map of the area can be found at the following website

The map is named MVUMPlacervilleSide02.pdf and the trail head coordinates are approximately:
38 45 N
120 15 W

As a start point, let's meet in the Safeway parking lot in Cameron Park. The address is actually Shingle Springs on most map software.

3380 Coach Ln
Shingle Springs, CA 95682

This should give us plenty of space and a place to pick up any last minute items.

If you want to go, let me know and be at the Safeway Parking lot listed above at 8:00. We will leave at about 8:15 or so. If you are running late and miss us getting to the trail is easy.

Continue up Hwy 50 toward Tahoe, just past Kyburz (about 30 min. from Cameron Park) take a right on Silverfork Road

A few miles up Silverfork Road, take a left on Long Canyon trail (dirt road) Watch for the sign on the right. The Forest Service Map is pretty good to follow.

I will have a CB on Ch 31 and 7/31 on FSR. Mobile phones do not work well in the trail area.

Be prepared for changeable weather.

See you there.

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Yeah? ...What about 'Women'?
you informed everyone that you were in for this run, but not for camping. =D
I think sonof40 was refering to Estys comment about being "informed" by his wife that he had other things to do.
I know...was just playing.
we have been informed that she was just playing.
This site is very informational
I hate being "informed".
I too have been "informed"
However, accepting the "informed" as a positive and constructive point of view, in a caring loving way, can lead to additional FJC "enhancements"..... Some may miss this trip, but they will be back (unless there a failure to communicate on the part of the party receiving the "informed"... then all bets are off.)

Hope to you on the next trip(s)!
I'm still planning on going up Friday morning and hopefully get a site at Silver Fork CG (they show 35 sites, ChinaFlat shows 16). I just need to get away!

I can try to grab and hold a second site if anybody want's one for Friday nite, just let me know.

It's $16 a nite, according to the reg's page that allows 2 vehicles per site so it can be split if you want to share a site.
Back from Loon Lake early. I might join you Dave. I'll call you.
So at the end: are we going here? Let's meet at 8.00AM at the safeway mentioned before? Is it going to be extremely muddy and wet?




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