I have been driving to Fresno/Clovis a lot lately, so this time I took a different rout.
S/E of Hollister is Paicines CA, just beyond that is Panoche Rd. Follow this windy road until you
pass the turn (Little Panoche Rd) for Mercey Hot Springs, a few more miles up Panoche Rd, it turns to Jackass/Panoche Rd, it is dirt for about 12 miles.
It was a fun drive, but took an extra 2 hours. Lots of fast sections, but the curves are not marked. A couple of curves made me pucker.
There are jeep trails all over hills in this area that I plan to research and explore.
Addition 4/26/09
I drove home this way today. The stretch of dirt road is 12 miles long, I covered it in about 20 minutes. From the dirt to Hollister is a hours drive along a twisty-turny road. It would be awesome in a sports car.
I have attached a map of this road's location in relation to the hazardous asbestos area to the south in the Clear Creek Management Area. Should anyone start wandering the jeep trails in Tumey Hills to the south of Panoche Rd be cautious that you do not go to far and end up in a dangerous area. The CCMA is closed and should be well marked and most likely gated.
Map of rout
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