NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Hello All,

I've seen this thread on other forums, looks like fun...I'll get it started.

I drove my rig to work (first time I've had it out in a few weeks).  Took it in for a wash..

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Looks great Tran! #1 on my mod list now.

Thanks! Be sure to check the thread(s) in the blue room about it... it's not the most forward install and can be quite frustrating. That said, it is worth it! 

I wanted one of those but the damned things don't work on 2007s.

Nice Tran, looks good.


Replaced my windshield at Safelite today.

$300 for glass, $200 for top molding in red and $70 in labor.

Tech talked about top molding and explained in 07, 08 it used to be sheet metal and only held with plastic clips but some were lost in the wind so Toyota started to add adhesive in five spots. That became near impossible to remove without damage, so a new molding was always ordered with the windshield, Toyota were behind the 8 ball and dealers were short on this item for a few years. Then in 09 Toyota began making the part from fiberglass, it still is, in the hopes it could be unglued without kinking. Tech told me they cannot guarantee removal without kinking the part so they always order a new molding for replacement. I verified I have a new molding as my old one had a scratch in the paint on top, and it is gone. :)

Wow, nice new glass, will have to go thru my local car wash tomorrow!!

Steve Hope.

I got mine replaced from safelite off richards and they didnt have to replace the top trim (2010) and they did the whole repair in like 30 minutes. I also have a snorkel which didn't seem to be an issue. I was quite happy with it to say the least. Thankfully it was covered by insurance. 

Hi Tran, I guess things can change in 5 years, I got mine replaced at the Richards Blvd shop too.

The tech's cert in the office said he has been there 25 years, no reason to doubt him.

In any event, good that yours was covered.  For me, Comp ins only covers repair. For replacement, my ded applies and mine was caused by stone/rock hits.

Yep, snorkel causes no problem cos the end of the windshield is before the A- pillar, only the cowl and top molding need to be removed, and the 2 small panels at the end of the cowl, pass side has antenna attached.


Hey I had my windshield replaced a few months ago and now I'm get this humming when I drive faster than 70 mph. Do you think it could be the cover over the top of the windshield? 

Hi Paul, you could determine if that is it by placing a strip of blue ( low tack ) masking tape across the edge between the glass and the molding all the way across and run a strip across the joint between the molding and the roof and then go for a drive, if the humming disappears, you've found it.


May 16 got a new windshield, today, June 27th had Safelite come to my house for a rock chip repair!!!

They say Jeeps and FJ's are  a large amount of their business. I have a 6 week old windshield that got a rock chip last Thursday!!! Doh.

How have you folks all done with stone chips to the windshield?


At 18.5k miles over nearly 5 years, I have some sand-blasting effect, and quite a few surface nicks, but nothing where there's any cracking of the glass, so no repairs so-far. I do relatively few freeway miles, though....

Got a little rained on and dirty today off MET. Saw 2 vultures (?) and the cloud meet the mountains off Hwy 50.

pics here. Hwy 50 down there. In the second pic, on a skinny tree, one above the other ,are the 2 vultures, then we saw them both soar off! across the canyon!! Almost as large as Condors!!





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