NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Can anyone recommend a good source for CB parts and supplies in the San Francisco or Sacramento  area (Preferably close to Napa).

I purchased a Cobra 75 WX ST and a Boztec mount. Now I need to find all the rest:

coax cable 18ft?

antenna 3ft?

Stainless Spring

Any other advise would be appreciated too.


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I don't know any place in SF or Sac, but I bought mine from these guys:

That probably didn't help since they're located in Iowa.

I recommend going here:

and choosing from the list the three you listed.

Be sure and get the correct 18' cable for the Boztec mount. I can't remember off hand. Maybe check with John at Boztec. 510.459.6460

Sell it all and get a ham radio
Is Suisun too close? A friend of mine has a shop over there. All that stuff is in stock.

Bullet's CB Sales
1408 Burney Ct
Suisun, Ca 94585

Went to Bullet's today and he had everything I needed in stock.

Thanks for the referral.


I know not local, but Amazon Prime two day shipping! haha thats where i got all of my CB stuff

Another place too is ham radio outlet in Oakland. They don't have a lot of cb stuff but there is some.

Clyde's Corner Electronics15796 E 14th St

San Leandro, CA 94578

(510) 276-8739

Just call ahead to see if he's open. the owner is in his late 80's but they have everything cb including oder radio models

Thanks for the help.

I will be in the Suisun area on Monday and will try to contact Bullet's first.


I have the following in my part shed for sale:
- heavy spring with stud mount for PL-259 connector in powder coated black finish
- 18-ft coax cable with removable/solder less PL-259 connector for easier feeding inside the cabin.
- 3-ft Firestik II black tunable tip antenna mast
- quick disconnect adapter
Glad it worked out




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