NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Saturday, May 2nd, BEER MEET - The Toronado, San Francisco


We're going to open Mark's big Christmas bottle...

12:00 pm
See you there!

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i'm there.
That thing is as big a St. Bernard.
Yes, we definitely need help!
I'm in.....
I'm in!
LOL, very observant suey!
X2 !!!

Must bve a marine thing to notice two guys like that !!!!! LOL

Hmm I may have to try and head up for this one..

MAybe Suey I can hitch a ride up there with you....??
Mark's grandparents spent several years in Japan after WWII (his grandfather was a Colonel in the Army). They brought back may of these figurines, that one being two gentlemen practicing the ancient art of 'Karate'. We inherited many of these.
Not sure if you can do that... I bought this bottle from the Toronado, but I dont think they like you bringing in other bottles. If you do, keep it low and quiet.
I'll be there
Damn, I thought this was tomorrow for some reason.
I will try to be there but what time???




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