NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

My father used to deer hunt when he was alive, and I have been a few times with him. I am a great shot and have been pheasant and quail hunting as well. I have never actually bagged a deer with him, but he did well.

I own 2 AR's and practice almost every weekend. Both are chambered for 5.56 and would make great deer rifles (I can provide many sources for this, with pics for anyone who might feel otherwise. lol). My main one has great optics on it. I have no doubts that the actual hunt would be successful (assuming we actually find a forked point or larger).

I want to go with someone who has experience with the 'post-shot' processing of the deer, as I may have seen him do it (I'm pretty sure I did), but it was so long ago that I didn't retain much of it. This is a skill I want to acquire and one of those you have to actually do, not read about, to have.

My schedule is pretty wide open for weekends or weekdays, except for a few events I have in the next few months. A multi day camping trip would be great.

I have stayed in various places along Barney Riley and Leviathan areas, and did 3 days in Death Valley (not camp grounds), so my 'roughing it' skills are up to par.

My father used to hunt in the Strawberry/South Fork area, which I think is D5?

Thanks in advance to any who are interested or have input.


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If you said "fishing", I'd be all over it! I, myself, am trying to get into hunting too. A lot of the distant relatives hunt, but mostly upland game.

Fish on!

Dressing a deer is the part I don't miss. I haven't done it since I was a kid, so I'm not one to instruct you. I can definitely say, pay attention when taking out the scent glands!




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