i want to see who has a stock FJ and has gone offroading at the last hollister meeting. i just want more information to comfortable about offroading with my dads FJ. lol
AJaYCruiSeR is stock and joined us at Hollister. A bone stock FJ is very capable and many of us wheeled our FJs for many months before getting them lifted. In fact, many will agree that wheeling it stock before upgrading will give you a better feel for what it is capable of.
with that being said, you may prefer to ride jumpseat with someone first instead of hopping behind the wheel of your dad's FJ immediately...especially if you are uncomfortable.
AJ kept up w/us all day, he even did 5 fingers hill which is pretty gnarly for a newbe.
My FJ is basically stock, small lift in front, but I still have the stock street tires. You just have to be more selective of how go over an obstacle. Keep checking here for the next Hollister run, hope to see you on the trails soon.
Why don,t you bring out your dad and you guys can wheel and learn together? Might be better to have him see what you doing that having to explain it later..
Of course if this is meant to be kept away from your father then by all mean wait until we do another Hollister run before you go some where by yourself..
Tater wheeled stocked for like two tears before his Icons...
I went to Hollister when my completely stock FJ was one week old. Potatomutato came with me and he explained the basics. Then, only adding rocksliders (that you might already have) I did slickrock last summer, that is a pretty though trail.
Permalink Reply by DWH on March 17, 2009 at 10:17pm
I have been to Hollister with no lift and on many other trails. It has been a blast. You just have to pick your line more carefully. I am pretty new to off-road myself.