NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

I noticed many people on the trail had radios. What type do most people use? CB or the two way handheld? I am trying to decide what to get to be compatible with the most people.

I have Motorola T5200 two way radios already, but I was thinking about getting a handheld CB. Maybe a Midland 75 822.

Let me know what would be best.

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didn't realize I was responding to a resurrected thread, whoops.   Anyones, my points still hold.  Get your ham ticket!

It is an oldie but a goodie.
I posted this a few months after I joined the group.

I've got a Yaesu VX-5R that I keep handheld in the FJ for Ham and a Midland 75-822 CB, which is hard wired into my FJ with two spare batteries and an antenna to use in or away from the vehicle.  I didn't hard wire the antenna for my Ham rig because the antenna is crazy and it works just fine being handheld.





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