NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

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haha you could have fooled me! Jk jk are you going to make it out to HH on the 15th?

We meet again! Hopefully i'm not in a rush next time and i'll follow you into the 7-11 and say whats good!

What happened? Didn’t see you today. After two days in a row it seems weird not to drive by you again :-)

haha i know i stayed a little later at work and hit some traffic on the way home.. maybe tomorrow! LOL

Damn straight! Jack wads :-).

I was driving through First St. in Livermore and saw two FJs. I passed an Army Green at the Concannon intersection and then pulled into the Chevron on First St. as I was fueling up saw a Voodoo pass by with the "FJ" on the spare tire cover painted voodoo as well.

Saw a slightly lifted Army Green FJ in the Safeway parking lot in Los Gatos (the one off of Union). Had a Chico State and Marine stickers on the back window. Not sure if they are a member here or not though.

You should drop by "Los Gatos Meats" deli and check out the owners Cruiser.   I have been canvasing him for years to join us and bring some bar-b-que.  

I saw you on the freeway today!

Wi Five!  Was that you up ahead of me on 680 South?

That was you on 880?

Yes that was me you saw on the freeway! Will you be making it to HH on Sunday?




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