NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Catch a glimpse of another FJer around NorCal? Post up here!

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That's awesome! I work in the ware house of my dads office on the corner of trident and Sierra! Today was my first day do I'll probably be seeing you a lot! And in glad you notices my #12 sticker, it's in memorial of a friend so I'm glad people are noticing it!

To #12 <clink>

Was that you Shaman Rawb on Jack London at Murrieta?  I always look over at FJs and usually people are just staring straight ahead.  Nice to see someone waving! 

That was me! Nice seeing you too. Love the color btw!

Thanks...I usually drive white trucks so I really like the color of yours.  Not to freak you out and I'm not a stalker....but.


My daughter and I were walking our dog last night and saw your FJ parked.  Seems like you are only two blocks from me.  Can't believe I don't see you more around town.

Saw OAK FJ (lic. plate) that Yose fj saw earlier while I was stoped on Waterfront road off 680 in Martinez. I was talking to David in a lifted yellow fj. Gave Oak fj a wave.


Larkspur ferry terminal. Commercial for FJ, Bajaracks, or Autohome?

Spotted Monday in the Golden Gate Park Music Concourse parking lot. 

FJs galore at or near Curry Village this afternoon.  All within a few minutes of each other.


This one had bikes on the bike.



"BJ'sFJ" from the So. Cal. forum during a return trip to Yosemite.






Passed a lifted green 2011 TT fj with lots of mods towing a cool matching m-416 military jeep trailer on Porter Creek Rd near Calistoga yesterday. Really nice combo!

Just spotted a nice Black Cherry sporting an N Fab front bumper with lights all shiny and clean after a car wash on Oakdale Rd. here in Modesto. Had some decals but was too quick for me to ID. Got a wave to my own, finally some love. Nobody waves anymore...




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