NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Who's up for heading out to Hollister this weekend, Sat March 14?

edit 3/13

Meet at Hollister at 10am Sat 3/14 at the Vineyard School.

Convoy meet at 9-9:15 in Morgan Hill (allow 45 minutes to Ranger Station)
For those that want to convoy meet in Morgan Hill at E. Dunne Ave.
Make a left and the first corner there is a gas station, fast food, etc. on the left.

FRS 7-31
CB 31

5AND5TORM - going
sonof40 - going
suecyde - going
potatomutato - going
DaveF2 - going
CA Annie - going
cypilk - going
C4B - going
TonkaXL - going
Kaster - going
davidHchiem - going
5150 Cruiser - going
jr vong - going
MoabFJ - going
+ Another FJ w/ cypilk - going

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I might be up for Hollister. Need to get more video footage of FJs in action. Went two weeks ago and conditions were great. Should be good now too with a little dry out time.
I can't commit right now but I'm open so far for the 14th.
i might be game, but it depends on how many fjs go. plus, i'll probably ride jump seat to make a video.
If I get my stuff painted (blackout) and all back on Friday, I'll be in for the 14th. I've actually never been down to Hollister.

Mornin Dave. Keeping camping hours huh? Hope you can make it. I'm gonna try.
Yeah, always up early. Need to exercise the 4wd, haven't had it engaged since Jan 2nd... This will also be a good test for my onboard air system.
original post edited 3/12
I might be down
We're in, putting on the tube doors tonight! :-)

Everyone bringing a lunch/beer?
looking fwd to seeing those doors and you two again.
Last time I picked up a triangle sandwich at 7-11, I will prob pack something this time.
heck, count me in...i want to make another video.

also, we may see scully and opg riding around in rovers that day. :-)




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