FJ Cruisers of Northern California
Just had this sent to me. I am scouring the interwebs for more information and will update this post as I read and gather more information. To confirm or bust this information. I'm hoping it's a bad joke.
From pirate4x4's land use forum
A district court judge is saying that the forest service needs to complete a new environmental impact survey to assess damage done by off highway vehicles. He ordered the trail closures until the report can be completed.
The link at the top of the page shows the information from the Forest Service website announcing the closures.
Supporting and getting involved with groups like Cal4Wheel and Blue Ribbon Coalition are important to help keep our public lands open.
Ghost is correct, no matter how much it sucks, none of us should ignore the trail closures and enter without permission as this provides ammunition to the groups that want all back country access closed to 4x4 and motorcycles. The Sierra Club and Center for Biological Diversity are active and very well financed groups suing to close land to off highway vehicles.
I guess it comes down to something like: "Going in the national forest is a right, or a privilege given by the government that can be revoked at any time?". I wonder what Jackson would say...
You can still go in, just by foot, horse, or probably bicycle, just not a motorized vehicle. Bright side, will be a good place to hunt for deer this season due to the lack of users.
Yep this is very true and sucks very bad !
Here is an interesting link:
Know the face of this "woman" as she is a BIG part of why all of this is happeneing....
Know your enemy and get involved !!
"I guess I used to be one of those people who wish the sport would just disappear. Now, I see the sport just needs to be managed." - Karen Schambach
that's a lie...she (they) want it dead...
but while i'm on this subject...responsible wheeling is a MUST. Crazy-ass banshee stunts as mentioned before gets stuff closed down. I have seen where idiots have left trails and crossed meadows leaving lasting scars or ignored temporary closures. As stated only takes one or two idiots to ruin it for everybody...but as far as this Karen person sounds like she didn't do her homework and bought land next to an OHV and now wants them gone so she can enjoy her quiet mountain spot and on the local level couldn't get it done so she when to the state level....i hate seeing my recreation activities in the hands of a judge
The story behind her is she a scorned woman. Her ex-Husband is an off roader who I guess like getting away from his now ex wife than being with her. Now divorced, she is waging an off road battle to close everything. Its funny that in the article it states that she built her cabin in the woods, boy I wish I had enough money to buy land and build a house in the mtns. The article also states that OHV get 80 % of their funding from the gas Tax. Another lie,If this were true, then why has the state consistently taken money out of this fund to place in the general fund....
Alessio, Nothing can or should be done against this "woman".. This is a battle that has to happen in the courts. Because if anything funny starts to happen (to her or around her) then we (the OHV community) look like the bad guys.. We HAVE to walk the line as OHV Users and we really must concentrate on getting the facts and truth out there. this article is just full of BS and Lies. We need people to write articles and get them published so that we can show our side, the positive side of OHVing. Point out that many of us have families that enjoy our public lands , also all the work that NOrcal has done on Lost Canyon for example...
BTW - this article is from July of 2000. She has been busy since then. Hundreds of similar articles and "reports".
How dare she build a home in the Sierra foothills permanently destroying the landscape by removing trees, leveling the land, digging trenches for sewage & water, power lines through the trees, and just the unsightly look of a structure in nature. She should be sued. Do we have any layers out there? We could start a collection for services.
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