NorCal FJs

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(Confirmed) Eldorado National Forest will be closed to 4x4's for 2012

Eldorado Announcement

Just had this sent to me. I am scouring the interwebs for more information and will update this post as I read and gather more information. To confirm or bust this information. I'm hoping it's a bad joke.

From pirate4x4's land use forum

It may sound dramatic.
but a lot of it is true. most 4 wheel drive roads in Eldorado National Forest look like they will be closed for 2012....
the seasonal closure hopfully will end in the next two weeks, but the 42 listed roads below will most likely remain closed for the rest of the year.

8N23B Prothro Headwater
8N35 Upper West Panther
9N01 blue lake to meadow lake
9N04 Mud Lake 4WD
9N08 Stockton Camp
9N15 Leek Spring Valley
9N54 Leoni
9N82 Pardoes 4WD 
9N83 Dear Valley 4WD 
9N95 Cosumnes Head
10N01 woods lake area?
10N03 Devils Gate Summer Home
10N06 Pebble Ridge
10N13 Schneider Camp 4WD (know as Strawberry 4WD)
10N14 Mule Canyon
10N21 Long Canyon 4WD
10N26 Scoits Creek
10N32 South Beanville Creek
10N98 Jim Quin Spring
10NY04 Middle Long Canyon
10NY05 Rocky Road
10NY06 Upper Long Canyon
11N09A Bryan Creek
11N22 Strawberry Creek
11N23F North Shanty Spur
11N26F Barrett Lake Jeep Trail
11N70 Mcmanus
11NY32 47 milestone
12NY06 Crystal Shortcut
12NY15 West Robbs Peak
13N24 Dry Lakes
14N05 Mckinstry Lake
14N27 Bunker Meadow
14N39 Richardson Lake 4WD
14N58 Jerre
17E12 motorcycle trail strawberry to Lovers leap
17E16 motorcycle trail behind little round top
17E17 Buck meadows motorcycle trail
17E19 motorcycle trail out of Allen camp
17E21 motorcycle trail north of Silver Lake
17E24 Mud lake trail
17E28 motorcycle trail south of mud lake

more info to follow

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Well, I must disagree with this. Building a cabin in the forest, if you own the land is your right. Preventing it would be extremely bad. The unsightly thing also is something I do not agree. For some people for example antennas are unsightly but to me should be a right if you want to put them on the roof. The layers you mean attorney? Forget those, it's only a waste of money...


It was just a joke over the stupidity of her lawsuit(s). Hell, I’d love to be able to build a place in the mountains.

Well, me too, a cabin in some place that can only be reached with a 4x4... Alone, far from everything.

Everyone involved in our sport, or any other sport that involves the use of public lands, needs to read the "reports" that this group is puting out. They are filled with misinformation and facts taken out of context or manipulated to suport their own personal agenda. 

These are the new "bullies". They take legal action against anyone who gets in the way of their agenda. Their idea of public land use is to "protect it", "put it back to its natural state" -ie eliminate all access by people. The name of their group is "public employees for environmental protection (peep)" - a goup who's name makes it sound like they are doing great things for all of us, and our kids - unless you inform yourself and see what they are really up to.

These are the people watching our every move, waiting to catch someone making a mistake or a bonehead move, so they can exploit that action and hold it up as the "norm", the "poster child", of our group. Read the reports - and think about them every time you use public lands.


Read this article to see how ohv use is tied to slavery, cigarette smoking, and national obesity. This is what we are up aginst, and this is their "vision".

Wow, I really like this " Thrillcraft users, more than other members of society, have an attitude that defies authority and regulation". We defy the authorities more than the gangbangers? They are members of society, hmmm. And to say that "Thrillcraft" users can possibly be a cause of obesity? please.

  "One can’t use thrillcraft without damaging the Earth, and natural values. Engaging in an activity for fun that severely degrades the landscape, air, and water for personal enjoyment shows not only great disrespect for other fellow members of society, but great disrespect for the Earth." Really? Did you drive your car to that trail head? For your own personal enjoyment? I hope you ride your bikes everywhere so not to leave a bigfoot size carbon foot print on this earth. 

  Working in West Marin County the past 5 years has put me in contact with some extreme thinkers but these folks take the cake in my book. I will say this, if these people get everyone else to stop driving and using fossil fuels and all other things known by scientific fact to cause greenhouse gasses and global warming, sign me up. I did look at an all electric car today, is a cool ride and a small carbon foot print. 

how are the off road capabilities?

Well, a vehicle with electric motors could be the ultimate rock-crawler. Infinite amounts of torque at 0rpm. Imagine a rig built with 4 such motors, one for each wheel, that can be independently controlled. Extremely simple construction, no shafts and transmissions and differentials that can break. Maybe a diesel engine running at constant RPM to provide power... *That* would be the ultimate machine that can triumph over the forces of nature, cutting through all sorts of obstacles!

US military has been experimenting with this type of vehicle for some time.. Would be really cool to see a civilian version that was cost effective.
I was fat way before I ever went off road.. So na na to them about that theory. Of course this person has never ridden a two wheeled "thrillcraft". That term must have worked well in the test and focus groups...

What a bunch of BS.. I could only skim through it as every paragraph was just full of an agenda from a one sided mind. Someone truly has to be sick to make the connection that this person attempts to make. I simply cannot understand people who think this way. But I do live I Santa Cruz so I am surrounded by it...

oh wow! I think you found the 1%er of the eco-weenies right there




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