NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

So i really really really want a fj cruiser but right nows not the best time. I need to get my credit polished up, my wife needs to finish school (nursing program), id like to become an emt and hopefully get a job as an er tech in the hospital im working at. But most important i want the used market to grow so i could get something with in my price range or find something already modified.

Ive also been thinking about finding a theft salvaged fj and going that route but thats an awful lot of B.S. and really dont want to deal with the dmv.

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What is your price range?

Yeah bro, what's the price range?  I've seen some FJ's for really low.  If $ is a issue, get that straightened out first.  I've been wanting an FJ since last spring and only now am I able to really shop for one aggressively.  Good luck man. 

Well id like a fully loaded 6mt black fj...... havent seen many around here for $15k

You won't find a fully loaded FJ around here for $15k unless someone is either really desperate for cash or has so much that they don't care if they are getting robbed. 

Trade-in according to KBB would be at least $17k. But good luck in your hunt! 

Yea i know...... right now the plan is to wait a year and see how the market looks. But im hoping my wife gets a nursing job soon and bump my plans up.




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