FJ Cruisers of Northern California
Well after many years of wanting to build my own OBHS heat exchanger i finally did.As i found out it was alot harder then i anticipated.After many designs in my head and on paper and after building 6 prototypes and testing.I setteled on one that i was really happy with.As i found out real soon copper is really expensive :( But the results are well worth it for me.The heat exchanger is made out of 2" copper tubbing and is 12" long and has 20' of tubbing inside the 2" tube.The water has to pass 3 times inside the 2" copper tube before it goes out to the shower head.That is only running the water thru the heat exchanger only once.I spliced the OBHS exchanger using the bottom hose coming out of the FJ heater.The OBHS exchanger heats supply water 59F up to 120F with the FJ at only 1500rpm.Still working on a flip up shower arm from my ARB bumper.Let me know what you guy's think
Awesome meeting everyone and seeing some old faces, showers were cool and it was great to hang out!
Okay, since you guys made the event today,which I wish I could have, but had previous plans. Which is the hottest line to tap into for the hot water exchanger? I have a heat exchanger that I made and then bought a 30 plate exchanger, and can't get anything except for cold water from either. Any ideas? Thanx.
Hi Jens, I finally did it. I have a hot water system that works beyond great. Lots of trys, but, done. I have to run my shower hoses yet. I have my shower rack in place, so, now, running the lines to the back of the truck and add the quick disconnects and then I'm done, finally. It's kinda big and not too pretty, but......How are you doing on yours. I have that full set-up with the 30 plate exchanger with a really nice mounting bracket for the FJ if you can figure out how to make it supply hot water. This one looks amazing. Let me know. 318-6690.
What is the advised coolant fluid for the FJ engine? I need to top off mine. Maybe it has something to do with the poor performance I measured yesterday.
a update to my shower system
got a lot of stuff done with the On Board Water System this weekend
Welding up some mounts (thanks to my buddy eric for the fab work)
crossmembers boxed, grinded down and mocked up
then i primed and painted the mounts and cross members. i reinstalled the air tank and moved a few fittings around. i wrapped the top and bottom of the water tank in some B-quiet just to assist with vibration and retaining heat (used the last i had left) for padding on the top of the tank i used a 1/2 high density insulfoam liner and ill do the same on the bottom under the mounts when i do final installation (still want to drive around a bit and see how it holds up
i still need to install the pump and wire that up. i was originally planning on just running 1 pump that would pump the water to the heat exchanger and the bank into the tank then i can switch it to run to the shower. but after many time thinking about it i may end up running 2 pumps, 1 for the heat exchanger and 1 soley for the shower, it'll actually simplify the system where ill be able to control the system from inside the cargo area versus manually switching a valve underneath the truck.
i plan to have the pump switches inside the cargo area with the water temp meter above it, installed on the little access panel on the left.
also installed the fresh water fill valve into the bumper. came out very clean!
It surely looks like a good system that I would love to have on my truck. Unfortunately it seems it's a choice between this and the aux gas tank :(
Many compliments for the install, having a hot water system in the truck that you can prepare while driving is surely a major achievement.
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