FJ Cruisers of Northern California
Been eyeing the bajarack utility rack and was curious to see if anyone here has had any first hand experience. Personally I like the ultra low profile design and flat surface for home depot runs. The price is pretty attractive as well. The only real short coming in my mind is I'm not sure how I could mount a bike or snowboard rack or even cross bars for that reason.
plenty of folks on here with the Baja Rack, so i'm sure someone will pipe in soon. i, too, have your concern about mounts. i usually mount more than two boards/pairs of skis, so it requires some mounts to face down.
Well I didn't get much in the way of feedback but decided to pull the trigger on the Baja Rack Flat Utility Rack. We'll see how she works out.
There is a spare tire mount as well that works nice.
Well I finally got my hands on the baja rack. It took three attempts to get one that wasn't damaged in transit. UPS freight seemed to have a thing for tearing open the corners of the boxes and running the damn things over with fork lifts. Baja Rack finally had to go with a different shipper to get me the third (and final) rack. Went on really easily. Quality and finish are great.
Keep an eye on the welds in the front behind the wind deflector / "Baja Rack" plate where the plate bolts on to the rack itself. One of mine started to rust deep in an area that didn't get powder coated properly. Not a major issue if caught early on. I called Baja Rack and sent them pictures when I first noticed it. They were super helpful and sent me a little kit to fix it. Otherwise, I have been nothing but happy with my purchase.
I have a buddy who drives an LR 3. He ordered the full size Baja Rack for the Land Rover. I noticed the welds rusting on it and he was able to send the rack in and they either replaced or fixed the issue- no charge, good people. I have the drop in utility rack for the FJ stock rack. Love it, no issues.
congrats on your purchase! glad it all worked out in the end. would be interested in hearing about your rack mounting solutions.
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