NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Well after many years of wanting to build my own OBHS heat exchanger i finally did.As i found out it was alot harder then i anticipated.After many designs in my head and on paper and after building 6 prototypes and testing.I setteled on one that i was really happy with.As i found out real soon copper is really expensive :( But the results are well worth it for me.The heat exchanger is made out of 2" copper tubbing and is 12" long and has 20' of tubbing inside the 2" tube.The water has to pass 3 times inside the 2" copper tube before it goes out to the shower head.That is only running the water thru the heat exchanger only once.I spliced the OBHS exchanger using the bottom hose coming out of the FJ heater.The OBHS exchanger heats supply water 59F up to 120F with the FJ at only 1500rpm.Still working on a flip up shower arm from my ARB bumper.Let me know what you guy's think

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Does anyone have a small scale that is going on the 18th.I would like to take the heat exchanger of the vehicles and weight them to get a comparison on how much copper is in each unit.

I have a kitchen scale 1g precision 5kg max and a personal scale that is much less accurate but 130kg max...

Good morning manoweb the kitchen scale would probably work.The exchanger feels heavy but i dont think it is more then 11 LBS.I will try to get a gallon of premix anti freeze so we can top off the little that we loose in the process .

Speaking of showers, it's likely to free from the sky on the 18th.

Hm... not sure what you imply here...


or lack there of....

Ah yes  glass is half full......................

of rain

So it looks like Sunday is a go. Think we can get that BMC done on my 4r? :) 

I think you would have to contact BZ and work that out with him - he does the bmc.
Is Sunday gonna happen?

Why not? I thought Bozly said it was OK...




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