NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Reaching out to my NorCal fam... looking for a little Xmas present this year, in the form of a "blue page" Ride of the Month for December.


I'm not trollin for your vote...just that you take a look and make a vote.


Cheers in advance and a happy holiday season to you all.  I'm still out here working to get my sorry self out to the west coast.  After my big road trip, I have come to realize that I was born on the wrong side of the States, but am at a place in life to decide to become a transplant.


A few more years and I'll be headed west.  I may sneak in for an R&R, showing up at Surf N Turf or something.




Scott   "LOSTSOUL4438" on the Blue Room...forgot to mention that.

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Hope you are doing well Scotty! Merry Christmas, Happy New Years and hope to see you again soon Brother!

Scotty may be too humble to beg for a vote but I am not!

please goto: and please vote for: lostsoul4438  Scott is a great guy and a hell of a lot of fun to wheel/party with!!

My vote is in!


Done! Good to hear from you, and look forward to seeing you out on the trails soon!

You guys rock!  It is Xmas Eve night over here in Asscrackistan and things are as good as can be expected.  I'm not sure when I'll be able to make it out to the west coast of the States, but I know that I am working to get there on a more permanent basis.


As always, thanks for the support...I'll roll up in your AO before too long.  I am having withdrawals over here!



You would have had my vote but looks like they dropped you from the poll.

First and last time to the BR in a while, the place sucks!

Take care dude.

hahaa...thanks, 5andstorm... I always forget that I am under "lostsoul4438" on that page.


Yeah, I rarely go back on there either, especially now that I am back overseas without the FJ.  It has not changed much, but I poke my head in from time to time if I am doing some research on certain products/mods.  I think I am putting the mods on hold and will invest in something to race in the Baja 1000. 


I feel the need to race.  Who knows.  I'll catch up with everyone in a couple more years.  I see myself living on the west coast or CO.  Sure beats Asscrackistan.




got it.

I'm looking at picking up a 5-1600 soon, I'm just waiting for the right one to come to me. I hope to have something soon so I can use it for pre-running and doing a HDRA or MORE race this year.

I plan to take a crack at the 1000 in a couple of years.

Let's get a Class 11 Bug together too!

I still see it

Yeah, she still der.


I spent all night thinking about our Baja 1000 plans, BZ...  I'm looking at my 5 year plan right now and working it into the mix.  I would love to race in the next 3 years, even if it meant limiting one of my R&Rs to a quick vacation so I can use the extra days to fly home, hop in the race vehicle and take off running.  It would be cutting it close, but it is doable.


Now, I just have to think about the vehicle.  Maybe I should start with the Chupacabra 300 or something, to get my feet wet, before taking on the Baja 1000.  Plus, the Chupacabra is in line with my R&R time-table.


I'll put much thought into it...we'll figure out something.  I need to get with TC as well.  They may have something to say about


Don't forget that I'll be driving from Scotland to South Africa when I leave Ascracklestan... that will be a long, good road trip... always room for a wrench-man on the team.

Right on Bro, I'm down keep me in the loop




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