NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Catch a glimpse of another FJer around NorCal? Post up here!

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it kinda looks familiar.... that Beemer picked the wrong place to park!

This morning in Yosemite Valley.


that dude is from stockton.  ran into him once and didnt feel the love.

Tuesday at around 5:30, I was driving behind an Army Green Westbound on 237, we both exited at Lawrence Expressway and you kept on Lawrence Expressway when I turned on Tasman in my Sandstorm.  Red bear NorCal and PIAA stickers on the back window.
Saw a really nice sun fj in Castro valley on groveway a while back it had a lift and aftermarket rack didnt really see the front... i was coming off the exit from 580 east...

Hi! New guy here...


I saw Overlander36's awesome rig on Thursday 11/3 on 680 around the San Ramon area. I was on the fence on what color FJ to purchase but, after seeing his rig... it was a no brainer. I picked up my own Iceburg FJ the next day,


Hey shooter thanks for posting the pictures. I was on my way to surf-n-turf - just got back home in the Napa Valley 30 minutes ago. What a great time and what a great bunch of people. Thanks to all who helped organize this! I think I saw you next to me but I didn't know you were a fellow norcaler - welcome aboard and congrats on your new rig - you're going to love it even more once the mods start.

saw black diamnd fj on crow canyon road close to 8pm no rack(?) lift norcal sticker tried to say hi buuttt got the cold shoulder :( 

Saw this one at the Nob Hill on Murietta on Livermore...

Two today in Yosemite Valley, first one about 11:00 a.m., parked at Yosemite Lodge:


Second one about 3:00 p.m. parked in the Village Store parking lot:



Sorry no pics but, 11/18/11 @ 445p Raley's parking lot in Fairfield I saw... a Brick colored FJ... an 08 Trail Teams... AND an 07 TRD... all parked. 

Yellow fjc towing a yellow tab trailer, just like mine, southbound on hwy 29 between Calistoga and St Helena on 11-19 at around 10:30 am. Exchanged waves, gave you a thumbs up.




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