NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

3rd *Official* Install/Wrenching and MEET & GREET Day! Sat Feb 21, Richmond, CA

We'll be there by 9am, unless someone wants us there sooner. We'll try to have it wrapped up by 4pm.

If I can get someone :) to bring a grill again, I'll bring some chicken and a grill-able veg. We'll take care of soft drinks, water and beer. Otherwise if you can bring something snacky that'd be great. Bring DVD's if you have kiddo's, they can hang out in the conference room.

3065 Richmond Parkway, park in the back. PM me if you'd need my cell.

Looking forward to it! - Ann & Mark

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Cool !!

I will be there with my wrench and ready to at mods !!!

Hopefully the timing will work out w/ my new front bumper. I still need the check from insurance so I can order it.
Will you have your bumper in time for the install? I got an All pro winch bumper that I plan on installing there.
I have access to a number of tools. If anyone needs anything in particular let me know and I will see if I have it or can get hold of one.

I can also bring a floorjack, stands and ramps.

Let me know.
^ Thanks for the offer of tools. As we get closer to the date, I"m sure someone will chime in with a request.
I'll bring some sausages/meat to grill :)
Unfortunately, I am going to have to bow out of this install day. I'll be at the next one for sure.
i can bring a jack, jack stands, and some basic tools just in case someone needs it. oh and beer!
Looking forward as well.
Mee TOO I cant wait !! I shoudl have a new bumper to install !!
Hmm... .I may be fortunate enough to actually have something to install for this day, more to come soon . . .
I'll be there this time, ain't got nuttin' to install at the moment but will be there to help.





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