NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

MuddyGirl's Northern California Adventure, Wednesday, Feb 4th - Heads up - PUB NIGHT! 6pm!

MuddyGirl, Maureen, former Trail Teams member, is moving from SoCal to Bend, OR, and is spending a few days up here visiting and getting some mods done with Garrett. They'll be free only Wednesday evening. I told her I'd throw out an invitation to our NorCal crew, see if we could show her a good time! Also told her to bring some dollar bills :)

It's officially at the Lucky 13 in Almeda, 6pm!

But, I wanted to give everyone a head's up notice on the date. I know Wednesdays are hard, but I'm hoping we cant get a few of us together. - Ann

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Hey Annie!!

Looks like I might be joining you as well! I can't wait!

Mo needs someone to follow the moving truck up in the FJ, and since I'm not working....I'm it!!!

Look forward to meeting everyone!

Munkay! single malt will be had!
I love me some Lagavulin!!! :D
I'm always up for a drink and greet
... and a great ??

Glad you can make it!
WOW!! Munkay makes this an Official Shindig!

Get out the lampshades, hide the sailors, it's a P A R T Y!

That is so great that you're coming! This will be a BLAST!
Oh hell, if everyone else is I might as well....I'm There!
I've updated the OP with the official time and location. :)

FYI, Munkay girl is Single and looking for Mr. Right. So if any of you know a Mr. Right, please bring him along. :)
i know of a single guy.
aww. i'm busy til 9:30 =\
If I'm off work in time i will come and hopefully met some of you, if thats cool..
Well looks like I have the boy that day... Bummer I wanted to head out and see everyone..... But dad trumps everything else....




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