NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

I was wondering if there would be any interest in a NorcalFJ paintball or airsoft day. If paintball, I play at a local field in Plymouth that will basically let us rent the place out. I am good friends with the owner of the field and have talked to him before and he was more than willing to allow us to rent the whole 500+ acre playing fields out. He has rental equipment as well for those not self equipped. Its woodsball type games. Or if airsoft is preferred we can set up a day some where else. I just recently started airsoft so do not have any close ties to certain fields but I am sure they would be more than happy to help us out. If interested post up and maybe set it up in September.

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I may have a place for ya to play let me see if he's all about it...
Game at LZ5 on the 28th. I will be there with 4 other ppl.
My son and I will be there - Are you on tan force or green force? - I'll make sure we are on the opposite team from you guys - Game on!
I am interested. Where do I go to get more info?

We will be on GreenFor. We need one more for a complete squad.


Ghost: you are welcome to come. But this is not a MW2 type of game. This field runs a Military Simulation (MilSim) type of game. They have rules and regualtions to how to play and work the field. Great experience but equipment is needed.


First off.. do you have any Gear or Guns.. if not, I have a vest that you can borrow and even a Camel Bak. Lunch will be done on field and is part of the game... so security will be needed. I dunno if I can have a gun for you at this event as mine has gone down and I will most likely be using a team mate's spare. But we can work something out.. just an FYI... DO NOT plan on using a Walmart special... as you will find yourself getting smashed. Regardless.. if you want more info. Check my team site out... we have several links on the right side of the page full of info... the site has been posted on here a few times.. I rather not spam my site on this site... for respect to the ppl that work their ass off on here to make this a great site themselves.

I have been playing hardcare milsim paintball games for 5+ years. I play games where your only allowed a max of 50 rounds per load. No prayin and sprayin here. I have played ops that lasted 2 days straight through the night. I have CQB, Field and Recon experience. I have alot of milsim experience under my belt. I will have my own gear, I even have a set of quality throat mics. Communication is key in war. I always buy quality products when it comes to my gear, gear failure of any kind can mean the difference between success or failure on the battlefield. I will pm you my info so we can talk logistics.
If only you lived near sac. I live on 80 acres and used to play paintball every weekend until all my buddies either moved, had job changes or just had life changes that kept them from playing. We even built a little town roughly 50yards by 50yeards and practiced. The town was destroyed last year during the winter months, we get very strong wind and flooding. Also the cattle knocked them down because we had used hay bales as obstacles. I have been debating rebuilding it but no time.

Started playing airsoft back in 2004, i've been out for awhile. but debating to get back in. If you need AEG or GBB repair holla this way.




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