NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

All of this stuff will be e-recycled or landfill after this week.

This is how it works: Be first to say "I'll take it!", and pick it up at my office (Richmond) or at BBR (Oakland) next week. If you want something but won't be available next week, I have it on good authority that Brandon will pick things up for beer...


FJ Stuff

Front bumper wings, GONE to the 'Tater.

Stock bottle jack GONE to Boss

Tire cover   thrown out, tired of looking at it


General automotive

Steel lifting ramps, GONE to Robert (QL)


Small color TV Gone to BZ

TIVO, GONE to Tony

CD Changer, GONE to BZ

Tuner/Amplifier, GONE to BZ

Kenwood speakers, GONE to BZ

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I'll take the ramps if still up for grabs

We will be at BBR in Oakland on Wednesday around 6:00 pm (for a few hours), or let me know if you would rather stop by my office in Richmond this week so I can bring your items up.


If anyone could pick up for Tony in Santa Cruz that would be great, otherwise we will figure something out.


Thanks everybody, enjoy you new stuff!

will I be able to pick up tomorrow at your office?

You bet. I should have them up here after lunch.

BBR is off tonite, just have too much to get done for the trip.

will try for BBR but dont think it will happen. Can you bring Taters stuff to Moab for me and I will give it to him upon our return.


No problem wolfey. Looks like the wings will get one last trip to Utah after all.




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