FJ Cruisers of Northern California
We must ACT NOW to save the OHV program!
The Issue: On Friday, February 18th, the Assembly Budget Committee voted to take $27 million out of the OHV operating budget. This would NOT be a loan, and would continue unstopped year after year. It would result in closures and cut-backs to the California OHV Parks – Carnegie, Clay Pit, Heber Dunes, Hollister Hills, Hungry Valley, Mammoth Bar, Oceano Dunes, Ocotillo Wells and Prairie City. The Snow Grooming program and State Sno-Parks will also be greatly affected or closed. In addition, the Governor is proposing to take $21 million more from the OHV program. This could be the end of the OHV program as we have enjoyed it for the last 40 years.
This Wednesday, February 23rd, the Conference Committee will meet in the State Capitol to iron out difference between the State Assembly and Senate Budget Committees. We have to influence the following Conference Committee members through our elected legislative representatives: Senator Leno, Vice Chair; Senator Lowenthal, Senator Negrete McLeod , Senator Huff, and Senator Emmerson, and Assemblyman Blumenfield.
What can you do: ACT NOW! and contact your legislative members ASAP. Find your representatives here, and use the speaking points below, or add some of your own:
è The budget proposes only an $11 million cut for 270 State Parks, yet a cut of $27 million is proposed from the OHV division which has only 8 State OHV Parks. This represents less than a 10% cut to State Park operations, but over a 40% reduction to the operating budget of the OHV parks. The OHV Division is a user funded program, taking NO money from the General Fund.
è The State OHV Parks are all about children, offering them opportunities to recreate outdoors. The OHV parks encourage families to go camping, and offer urban residents the chance to enjoy the outdoors in a safe environment. The OHV parks enjoyed a 150% increase in attendance over the last 10 years, which State Parks cannot equal.
è The Law says the OHV division of State Parks should have equal priority among the other State Parks. Budget impacts should be equally shared....yet the State OHV Parks have had $112 million dollars taken over the last 3 years. Now the Assembly proposes to gut the program, favoring less popular State Parks. This is certainly discriminatory, and counter to the law. The OHV community has given more than it's fair share of the OHV Trust Fund. These are dedicated user fees.
è The OHV community has taken legal action for two other attempts of this kind...and the State has lost! We sued you and won $21.5 million. We are willing and able to do this again, and the State will lose even more money before all this is over. We will pursue all legal remedies to stop this action, and stop the discrimination against the State OHV Program and affiliated activities.
This is not a joke, nor is it an over dramatization, This is real, this is happening right now.
Get Involved !!!
Also pass the word around the web, repost this on all forums to get max participation!
thanks for posting, Boss!
for those of you who may be wondering what else to include in your correspondence outside of the points listed above, please consider some of the following:
access the link provided to find your local representative or better yet, download the Congress app to your smartphone to find them and view their voting records. positively reinforce those who oppose the cuts and diplomatically point out the issues to those who are in favor.
Yes being very diplomatic is the only way to handle this. Have a positive discussion is the only correct way to handle this problem.
We need to have the debate and discussions be open and fair.. As we have seen in WI, Democrats will run away to stifle debate when they do not want to vote. We should always have debate and never stifle discussion and being diplomatic is the only way to accomplish this in a positive.
Here is more information from HHORA (Hollister Hills Off Road Assoation).. This could be very bad indeed..
Diversion of Funds vs Loan of Funds
Fantastic !! The more letters the better!!
We need to tell Brown, NO !
Do not take fund from our OHV Parks !
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